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Pranešimai : 844
Taškai : 1699
Reputacija : 29
Prisijungė : 2011-12-19
Amžius : 31

MONO Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: MONO   MONO EmptyTr. 12 21, 2011 2:41 pm

MONO Mjv59x
    Žanras: Rock / Experimental / Classical
    Susikūrė: 1999m.
    Oficialus tinklapis: MONO
    Šalis: Japonija, Tokyo, Kantō, Honshū
    Kompanijos: Temporary Residence Limited, Conspiracy, Human Highway

    2009-03-04 "Hymn To The Immortal Wind" Albumas
    2007-09-11 "Gone ''A collection of EPs 2000-2007'' Albumas
    2007-09-11 "The Sky Remains The Same As Ever" DVD koncertas
    2007-04-18 "The Phoenix Tree" Mini-albumas
    2006-11-01 "Memorie dal Futuro " Singlas
    2006-03-15 "You Are There " Albumas
    2004-10-19 "ONE STEP MORE AND YOU DIE " Albumas
    2004-10-19 "New York Soundtracks" Albumas
    2004-10-05 "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined" Albumas
    2004-04-14 "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined " Albumas
    2004-02-18 "New York Soundtracks " Albumas
    2002-10-02 "One Step More And You Die " Albumas
    2001-11-11 "under the pipal tree " Albumas
    2000-09-09 "Hey, You " Mini-albumas

    2009-03-04 "Hymn To The Immortal Wind " Albumas
    2009-03-04 "Hymn To The Immortal Wind " Albumas
    2008-01-22 "The Sky Remains The Same As Ever "DVD koncertas
    2007-09-11 "Gone ''A collection of EPs 2000-2007'' Albumas
    2007-09-11 "Gone ''A collection of EPs 2000-2007'' Albumas
    2006-04-11 "You Are There" Albumas
    2004-10-19 "ONE STEP MORE AND YOU DIE " Albumas
    2004-10-19 "New York Youndtracks " Albumas
    2004-10-05 "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined " Albumas
    2004-10-05 "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined "Albumas
    2004-09-28 "New York Soundtracks " Albumas
    2003-04-08 "ONE STEP MORE AND YOU DIE " Albumas
    2001-11-11 "under the pipal tree " Albumas

Rytų Azijoje ir Okeanijoje:
    2007-09-01 "Gone ''A collection of EPs 2000-2007'' Albumas


    2009-03-24 "Hymn To The Immortal Wind " Albumas
    2007-09-11 "Gone ''A collection of EPs 2000-2007'' Albumas
    2006-04-11 "You Are There " Albumas
    2006-03-27 "You Are There " Albumas
    2005-05-16 "New York Soundtracks " Albumas
    2004-10-19 "ONE STEP MORE AND YOU DIE " Albumas
    2004-10-19 "New York Soundtracks " Albumas
    2004-10-05 "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined" Albumas
    2004-06-06 "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined" Albumas
    2003-04-28 "One Step More And You Die " Albumas
    2001-11-11 "under the pipal tree " Albumas

Grupės nariai:
    Gitara: Takaakira "Taka" Goto
    Bosas: Tamaki
    Gitara: Yoda
    Būgnai: Yasunori Takada

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